| 1. | His words came back in the end to new hampshire ground, and the one spot of land that each man loves and clings to . 他快谈完时,又谈到新罕布尔州的土地,讲到了那块人人所热爱和依恋的土地。 |
| 2. | He was the bard of the farmers and workers of new england and his quiet verse mirrored the staid new hampshire countryside . 他是新英格兰农民和工人的歌唱者,他的闲适的诗歌反映着新罕布什尔宁静的农村生活。 |
| 3. | New hampshire chinatown : : news new hampshire Chinatown新罕布什尔中国城: :本地新闻 |
| 4. | As i said , eldred lives in new hampshire 如我所言,艾尔缀德住在新罕布郡。 |
| 5. | New hampshire chinatown : : recreation Chinatown新罕布什尔中国城: :休闲 |
| 6. | - what do you mean ? - you do investments in new hampshire -你什么意思呢? -你在新罕布什尔州做投资 |
| 7. | What do you mean ? - you do investments in new hampshire -你什么意思呢? -你在新罕布什尔州做投资 |
| 8. | Severe showers all over northern connecticut and new hampshire 大暴雨覆盖北康涅狄格和新罕布什尔州 |